Monday, November 3, 2014

It's been a blustery few days

What a blustery few days it has been.  For Pooh, blustery days brought about lots of change in the Hundred Acre Wood...there was rain, the need to rescue a good buddy, blown down houses, and being introduced to those pesky Huffalumps and Woozles.

The blustery days here in Nashville have been just as exciting.  However, the sermon at church yesterday seemed to really put things into perspective...this chill and new weather pattern is a preparing us for a new season; a season of dying leading us to the new life of spring.  For months I have been saying, "Bring on Spring!"  The phrase for me just meant that chemo would be over but it now has more meaning. These blustery days of change are a time for the dying of my cancer leading to a spring of renewed health and healing.  I don't like the cooler weather but appreciate that it is all part of the cycle of life and more than ever I look forward to Spring and being cancer free!

I will also share a couple updates from the last few days.  I had my second chemo treatment on Thursday.  I handled it pretty well with fatigue remaining the major side effect.  However, this treatment also brought the inevitable hair loss.  My hair started coming out sparingly on Wednesday but by Sunday I decided it was time for it to go. I was losing clumps of hair so I went and got a short buzz cut.  Just another sign of was an emotional decision but one I felt so strongly about it. Cancer was taking my hair but I made the decision on how it went out and felt confident when it was cut.  What do you think?

Before...look closely and you can see my receding hairline


This remaining stubble will fall out gradually over the next few days but it's all good because it's still leading to the new life.  Bring on SPRING!!