Friday, May 1, 2015

Spring Has Come!

“What day is it?", asked Winnie the Pooh"It's today," squeaked Piglet"My favorite day," said Pooh”

Today is our favorite day too!  It is Spring!  Christina has been looking forward to Spring all along throughout her diagnosis and treatment.  Spring means new life and new beginnings!  "Bring on Spring!" has been one of her battle cries during these last 9 months.

Today Christina receives her FINAL radiation treatment and her last scheduled treatment of any kind.  We won't have a scan to know her status until this summer, but we believe that as of today she will be "Cancer Free" and that they will confirm that with her scan in the summer.   We will surely have a party then, but now, we will celebrate because it's Spring!

Make no mistake, that is the biggest thing to happen to our family this week, but it's not the only major thing.  Spring has sprung and that means new life all around us.  This week, our family adopted a puppy.  He is another living reminder that spring has come.  How could we name him anything but Winnie?  Winnie the CockaPooh!
We just brought him home and we are still learning about each other, but we love him and he brings a new joy to our household.

I am sure Christina will have some thoughts to share soon and I will encourage her to blog about them.  It has been too long since her last post.

We thank you for your support during these last months and thank God for you!  While the battle is nearly won for Christina, we plan to continue to fight.  There are others who are still in this battle against these Evil Lumps and we will continue to post and pray and ask for your support and prayers for all those ladies still battling and waiting for their spring.  God bless you all!

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