Thursday, February 12, 2015

That makes 8!

That makes 8!  It's time to celebrate!  That's right, chemo officially ended yesterday.  I can't believe we have closed this chapter of my journey.   
I am so thankful for all the support I have received over the last 5 months during my treatments:
  • My family has been amazing...there to help with whatever I needed!  I don't think I could ever thank them enough!  I love you.
  • Many of you took time out of your busy days to cook for us.  We truly enjoyed each of these home cooked meals.  You are the best!
  • The cards and emails of encouragement have been wonderful.  Always seeming to come just at the time I need them most.
Now for the next step...6 weeks of radiation therapy. But for now we plan to celebrate this milestone; offering praise and thanksgiving for making it this far.

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