Monday, March 9, 2015

Survivor Project Update: Susan G. Komen Photo shoot

As you probably already know, I was eager to welcome in 2015! This is the year I plan to celebrate finishing my treatments and proclaiming I am cancer free! While I still have a way to go, I look forward to every celebration that comes my way. 

I learned a lot in 2014. First of all I never expected to be diagnosed with cancer. It was hard to come to terms with but quickly I became aware of the amazing support systems all around me, including many who had previously journeyed down this same path. My eyes were opened and while I knew I needed to focus on my own health and healing, in the back of my mind I knew I would one day pay it forward...sharing my story and being there for others who are faced with the same situation. I would not be where I am today without the kindness, love, support and prayers of each of you! 

So needless to say, I was excited about an opportunity that presented itself to me in late 2014. I was given the opportunity to participate in an upcoming Susan G Komen Survivor calendar. At first I thought I wasn't "worthy" but then I embraced the fact that I am a SURVIVOR TO BE and jumped at the chance.

As part of this process, I will represent the month of July, which couldn't been more appropriate. July is the month of my cancer diagnosis and the month in 2015 I hope to officially be declared free of cancer. 

Thanks to the generosity of family and friends I quickly met the fundraising goal for this Survivor Project and had my photo shoot in February.  I have never done anything like this before and had no idea what to expect.  I was quite surprised at how much fun it was!  I had my make-up done and even had eyelashes applied, which I thought was a treat because most of mine were gone.  I decided not to wear my turban or wig...they say bald is beautiful so I hope they are right!  The photographer was amazing and throughout this experience I felt so confident and beautiful.  It was quite a boost.  

I also learned that the ladies participating in the calendar will be part of a Survivor fashion show in April.  Walking the runway...another first for me!  I will share more details once available in case anyone would like to attend this event.  

In closing I will leave you with some images from the photo shoot and a quote from A.A. Milne:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a GIFT.  That's why we call it THE PRESENT.      


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