Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Braver. Stronger. Smarter..I hope

Since I finished my chemo and radiation treatments in 2015,  I have lived under the motto that "No news is good news".  Therefore, the blog has been pretty dormant.  My health has been good and I have been living life as a survivor... BRAVER...STRONGER...SMARTER. 

Things got stirred up a bit recently when the doctors recommended a preventative hysterectomy.  That procedure went well and I feel amazing considering I just had a major surgery a few weeks ago.  However, the days leading to that procedure were a whirlwind with visits to a few different doctors and several scans...PET, ultrasound and then a follow up MRI.  Today I headed to see my oncologist to review the results of those scans and unfortunately we did not get the news we had hoped for...

The PET scan revealed a spot in my pelvic bone which MAY or MAY NOT be cancerous.  Take a minute to breath...I know I needed to.  It was a surreal moment.  Was I really being told that I might have cancer again?  This can't be happening!  Emotions take over and it's hard to focus when you hear "bad" news but once the initial shock wears off, you are faced with the decision as to how you will handle it.  I needed a nudge from my husband and oncologist but the decision to FIGHT was the obvious choice.  So what next?

On Monday there will be a bone biopsy to help identify if the bone lesion I have is cancerous, which based on the activity they have seen they suspect is the case.   This will be followed by a visit to my Radiation Oncologist and potentially 3 weeks of radiation therapy focused specifically on this one area.  The hope is the radiation will "kill" whatever activity is in that lesion and keep this area isolated.

There are quite a few what-ifs but those are what I'm focused on.  My doctor is optimistic so how can I not be?    He said this is not the news we wanted but is ready to treat this aggressively.  I learned early in my cancer diagnosis that I have to have complete faith in my medical team and I know without a doubt that Dr. Hemphill is in this fight with me. 

So here we are ready to move forward but I know I can't do it alone.  I ask that you pray for me.  Pray for health and healing as well as peace, grace and courage to face the challenges ahead.  Please also pray for my family.  Having to tell them bad news again is not something I ever wanted to do.

In 2014 we tackled the Evil Lump and now in 2016 we take on the Woozles.  Let's do this!

Leaving you with the quote that has become the motto I live by...

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.”

1 comment:

  1. We are in your corner ready to assist you with this new challenge however you need us to. Braver, stronger, smarter. Ready!!
