Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tiggers probably don't like chemo

Tiggers like everything except honey, haycorns, and thistles.  (And I bet Tiggers don't like chemo either!)  

Well, 10 days post treatment I can look back and say that chemo is no joke.  I mean I did pretty well but chemo is some serious stuff.  For those of you new to the process, here's how it works...2 bags of IV meds to help nausea followed by the bags of chemo drugs.  Chemo Drugs so toxic that the nurse wears a special gown and gloves prior to administering and drapes the work space in a cloth in case there are any drops.  What the heck?
Chemo Treatment 1

I did have a rough day Thursday after treatment. I had some nausea, a horrible headache and overall felt very tired. The fatigue continued Friday and Saturday along with some extreme joint pain in my hips. BUT each day has gotten better.

I am scheduled for treatment #2 on Thursday, October 30 and hope I can continue to effectively manage all the possible side effects.  Only time will tell!

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