Monday, October 13, 2014

Time to Blast It!

"Good idea! We'll dynamite it.  Save time!" said Gopher
"What's the charge?" asked Owl
"The charge? Oh, about 7 sticks of dynamite."

While this was Gopher's suggestion to get Pooh dislodged from Rabbit's door, it seems to also apply to chemotherapy.  However, my cancer will be blasted with 8 treatments instead of 7 sticks.  The first starts on this Thursday, October 15.

As I shared earlier, my chemo regimen will consist of 4 cycles of Adriamycin, aka the "Red Devil", along with Cytoxin, given every 2 weeks followed by another 4 cycles of Taxol, also given every two weeks.  Numerous side effects are possible...fatigue, nausea, and hair loss to name a few.  While I can't control any of these, I am learning all that I can to help manage them. I have talked with a nutritionist and gotten some good insight and also decided to go ahead and get a pre-treatment haircut.   Here are the before and after pictures.  What do you think?

My stylist, Heather, at the Pearl Salon in Madison did an amazing job and I am so appreciative of the time she took making sure I really wanted my hair this short. 

This is a  big week, I ask that you please continue to pray for me and my family.  AND, know that I look forward to seeing you at the Race for the Cure on Saturday, October 25 supporting Team Evil Lumps and Woozles!