Thursday, July 31, 2014

A Clinical Trial: It's just something that happened along the way

In a matter of a few weeks, I have traveled all over my Hundred Acre Woods.  I started with a specific my medical team and identify a plan for treatment.  Pretty simple, right?  Well, during my journey, a detour was suggested, a newly formed clinical trial. 

Christopher and I visited with the oncologist in charge of the trial, Dr. Denise Yardley and gathered some basic facts.  This is a very small trial that has recently started in Tennessee and potentially has minimal side effects.  The research is with a drug Repraxin, particularly looking at its ability to suppress stem cell reproduction and prevent future mastication of breast cancer.  The trial involves taking biopsies at the beginning and end of the trial, frequent blood draws and taking 2 pills 3 times a day for 21 days...all leading up to my surgery.

Honestly there is probably no benefit from this trial for me, at least not immediately.  However, if this drug acts as they expect there could be future benefits related to a reemergence of cancer as well as benefits for other women who journey down this path in the future.  Just call me a medical pioneer!  (I laughed out loud as I typed that...but for the moment it sounds good.)

Rabbit once told Pooh, "I don't see much sense in that."  Pooh agreed, "No there isn't.  It's just something that happened along the way."  I totally get that.  This clinical trial was not part of my plan but for me this unplanned opportunity is about doing something while I wait and more importantly about giving back to the those who researched drugs/treatment options years ago. 

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