Friday, August 1, 2014

What day is it?

What day is it?

'It's today,' squeaked Piglet

'It's my favorite day', said Pooh.

My favorite day in a long time is TODAY, too. Since most of the news I have received from doctors have delivered less than favorable news, I was happy today when I learned that the results of my genetic testing were back and they were negative for the BRCA gene.

This is also good news for my daughters!

Today really is my favorite day!!!! I hope you will join me in celebrating.


  1. Christina, Hillary had informed me of your news, I guess she had gotten it from Amanda. She also gavee this blog address. I know you are a very strong person. You are a super mom. I've seen it with 2 of your children that I've had the pleasure of teaching, as well as Amanda. I've also seen you fight diligently for Joshua when I had him that year, as I know you will fight this setback as well. You can do this! I will be praying for you to have a speedy recovery, and for your family to stay strong and help you through this, as I know they will. Thanks for posting the blog!
    Susan Tuck

  2. Hooray for today!!
    Kim Curtis

  3. CELEBRATING with you INDEED my friend ♡!!

    Sherry Oz ♡
