Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Nothing Sort of Thing

I feel like there is so much I want to share.  First, let's start with the big news...the DRAIN.  Much to my surprise, Dr. Dunbar removed my drain last Thursday.  I couldn't believe it!  I wanted to jump off the exam table and hug her when she said we could take it out.  Let me tell you, having the drain gone is wonderful.  I actually feel somewhat normal...I can wear shirts without buttons, drive a car and simply move more freely.  It's been totally amazing.

During this visit Dr. Dunbar, she also gave us some initial information on the staging and marking of my cancer.  She said that while this is not her area of expertise, she believes the stage to be IIIa with the markings of T2 N2.  It was frightening to hear stage 3.  However, believe it or not this is still early stage breast cancer...the last phase of early stage breast cancer but nevertheless still viewed as curable.

People keep asking me what I do being home all day.   I have to say NOTHING.  Christopher Robin once explained doing nothing to Pooh in this manner:

"This is a nothing sort of thing that we're doing right now.  It means just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear and not bothering." "Oh!" said Pooh.   

While NOTHING has served me well throughout my recovery to this point, I have been eager to return enjoy some simple things happening in the lives of my children.

My mom and I kicked things off with a short road trip this past weekend as we traveled with Angela to Knoxville for her first gymnastics meet of the season.  Her team did an awesome job and I was so proud of Angela.  She had a great meet competing her new routines for the first time.  I was so glad I was able to be there, knowing there will be meets this season I will have to miss.    But one of the best parts was seeing her team unveil their symbols of support for me and our family.  The girls sported pink wrist bands during their bar routines and breast cancer awareness hair bows. They plan to wear them throughout the entire season.  Can't begin to tell you how much that means.

Last night we attended Joshua's induction into the Junior BETA Club.  Joshua was selected by his teachers to be part of this club based on fulfilling the mission of BETA which is to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership. It's an amazing honor and I couldn't be prouder of him!

So for the next few weeks I plan to continue doing the routine NOTHING of my life and enjoying every moment of it!


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