Thursday, September 4, 2014

The initial hunt is over!

As I was preparing to provide an update on yesterday's surgery I received a phone call to share the final pathology results from the procedure.  I am pleased to share the final margins of the lumpectomy are now free of cancer!!!!  Seriously? I just couldn't believe my ears.

I am so grateful for the medical team who has overseen this process thus far.  My surgeon, Dr. Laura Dunbar, is amazing.  I couldn't have picked a better doctor.  It's funny because you deal initially with your diagnosis by selecting doctors, doctors that you really don't know anything about.  Then you meet with them and decide if they are right for you.

Pooh once said, "Before beginning a hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it."

After our first meeting with Dr. Dunbar, Christopher and I knew immediately that she was right for us...she was very wise, knew exactly what she was dealing with and the best way to go about removing it.  We know without a shadow of a doubt that she has had my best interest all along and we placed our trust in her. Today we celebrate this decision.

Now for that update I was planning to give.  Yesterday's outpatient procedure went well and was so much easier than the first.   Dr. Dunbar did a re-excision of the original lumpectomy site to remove some additional tissue and also removed one of my drains.  I had a short recovery in the hospital and was home by late afternoon.  The site is slightly tender but overall not  too bad.  I am continuing to rest and  take it easy and am hopeful to have the second drain removed next week.

Surgery was the fist part of becoming cancer free and today we can happily say that with clean pathology results, the initial hunt is over. Now we get ready for the second phase, chemotherapy, and place our trust in a new medical team of oncologists.

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