Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It isn't really good-bye

Change is part of life...just like growing up.

So much has happened since my last post.  Plenty more doctor visits and on Tuesday the start of my medical leave from work.  The transition from work was more difficult than I expected.  I thought I would just put everything on hold, pack up and walk away.  That was not the case.  The work itself was easy to leave behind but not the routine, the people and the relationships that I have established over the last 10 years.  It's been quite humbling to hear the impact the you have made on others.  Leaving my position I carry the new marketing mission of my client, Saint Thomas Health Services, and honestly believe these words...

For with God, nothing shall be impossible.

And as if the transition from work wasn't enough, today I also prepare to send Hannah off to college.  I am so happy to watch her start this new adventure but selfishly am so sad.  Hannah is always there to quietly offer support and brings us all so much laughter.  It will be so different without her at home and I can't imagine how difficult the drop off will be tomorrow.  This is a good-bye I am dreading...

But, of course, it isn't really Good-Bye, because the Forest will always be there...and anybody who is friendly with bears can find it.  --A.A. Milne

I know she will always return to the forest she calls home but tonight I will cherish seeing her go about her normal activities and hearing her voice.  I really am going to miss that girl!

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes to Hannah as she begins this new chapter in her life. Have a safe trip!
