Friday, August 1, 2014

Time to bounce!!

I had a CT scan today to determine if cancer was visible in other organs such as the liver.  This test had me on pins and needles...the results had the potential to be a real game changer.  Immediately after the scan I connected with the oncologist's office and asked him to keep an eye out for the results.  I rally didn't want to go through the weekend waiting to hear the findings.

The call I was waiting for came in just after 3:00 when Dr. Hemphill shared that the CT looked good, with only a few cysts but no additional tumors.  I could hardly believe my ears.  Both he and radiologist did not currently see the need for a PET scan to further investigate their findings.  I was speechless and beyond ecstatic.  

This was the best possible news.  I was so happy I had to bounce!   
TTFN..Ta Ta for Now