Monday, August 18, 2014

You feel it

What an amazing day yesterday was!  After mass, Christopher arranged for me to receive the Anointing of the Sick.  So many special people in our lives were there to pray with us, actually pray for me.  Everywhere I looked, there were people specifically there for me.  It was hard to take it all in.  As we stood at the alter and prayed the Our Father, I could barely say the words aloud myself.  I was overwhelmed by the sound of voices coming from behind me.  This is confirmation of God's very constant message in my life, DO NOT BE AFRAID, and a reminder that I really am not in this alone.

Following mass, we attended a family brunch hosted by my brother-in-law, Jay, sister-in law, Kim, and their oldest daughter, Kristi.  Family from out of state joined us, Hannah came home from college (Thanks, Erin!) and Amanda and Theo even joined us on skype.  It was a fantastic afternoon...full of laughter, good stories and delicious food.

Many times throughout yesterday, I found myself just looking around and taking it all in; still contemplating why it is that I have cancer but at the same time being grateful for so many.  Each hug that I gave in appreciation came back to me tenfold with a hug of unconditional support or words of affirmation.  The energy each one of these special people brought yesterday is exactly what I need to continue this fight.  It's uplifting and no words can begin to describe it.

Piglet once asked Pooh, 
"How do you spell love?"

Pooh replied, 
"You don't spell it. You feel it."

No spelling needed for me either...I truly feel LOVED.

Thanks to everyone who made yesterday so special, even those who couldn't be there in person.  Your messages of prayer and support meant just as much.

1 comment:

  1. We are all blessed by the Community that is St. Stephens. Thank you, Christopher, for gathering us together in prayer and support for Christine.
