Sunday, August 24, 2014

My Heart is Full

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in the heart."   --Winnie the Pooh

As Christopher and I went to bed on Wednesday night, we learned of a Facebook group my friend, Jean, had put together encouraging others to wear pink in my honor and to offer prayers for a successful surgery/recovery.  I was genuinely touch by this gesture but had no idea of the response and love that would be showered on my family since that initial request.  As I went into surgery on Thursday morning, we saw a few posts but when I was moved into my room late Thursday afternoon, Christopher told me I "blew up" his phone and that I would never believe the volume of people rallying to support us. He showed me picture after picture and read so many comments of encouragement.  I really couldn't believe how many people were there for us.

In one of my previous posts I shared how very LOVED I felt.  That feeling has certainly continued. But now my HEART is also full..full of the kindness and compassion that so many of you poured upon us. We are humbled and most appreciative for each of you taking time to share your love with us.  Thank you!!!


Now for a quick recap of the past few days.  Surgery/lumpectomy went as expected on Thursday...including a moderate axillary dissection and placement of my port for chemo.  I did spend the night in the hospital but came home on Friday.  I feel pretty good, sore and tired, but overall not that bad.

The challenge has been working on my range of motion and dealing with the 2 JP drains.  It's frustrating when simple things like getting out of bed,  brushing your teeth or reaching for a glass are difficult.  I remind myself things will get easier in time and rely on those around me for help. (Not something I generally like to do.)

We hope to get a final pathology report back from the doctor early next week.  This should tell us if the tumor was removed with clear margins and identify how many of the removed lymph nodes showed signs of cancer.  I will potentially have the drains removed in 2 weeks and then spend a few more weeks recovering before starting chemo.  Promise to keep you updated.  Thanks for checking in!

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