Sunday, August 3, 2014

Oh D...D...D...Dear

To be totally honest I am a lot like Piglet...I worry and get anxious, especially when facing unfamiliar situations.  But somehow I manage to not let that totally consume me and take over all of my thoughts.  I have learned how to push through to the other side.  It's a process that takes awhile with quite a few tears but I still manage to overcome my "humanness" as my former pastor, Father Steve Wolf used to say.

I am positive everyone has moments of uncertainty like these in their life where they are searching for answers.  I know that God has a plan for me but in times of crisis I tend to forget or ignore that. I can't help but feel as if He has forgotten me.  I feel alone and scared.   Those are the times when God has spoken the loudest to me.  Clearly telling me DO NOT BE AFRAID.  Four simple yet powerful words that are hard to ignore.

These past weeks, I have managed to look beyond the fear and found comfort in many ways.

Hearing my husband promise to take care of me 
Holding the hands of my children
Hearing my parents tell me they love me
Surprise cards of support in the mail
Unexpected visits from dear friends
Roses blooming in my garden

It really is my faith and the prayer of many that will guide me on my journey to healing. I hope you can each help me remember that.  When I am facing uncertainty, doubting the road ahead and feeling overwhelmed, I must remember what Christopher Robin once told Pooh and his friends after embarking on a long journey to find him,
"You're braver than you believe and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."

Cancer is now part of my story and I realize it will change me physically and spiritually.  The homily at church last Sunday said we should pray for the grace to hear God's will and the courage to live it.  It's simpler than it seems but like Piglet, I must push through, be brave and find unique solutions to the situation I am dealing with.


  1. Thank you so much for allowing us to share your journey with you. I am very excited by the good news you keep getting. Know that some of those hugs you are getting are long-distance hugs filled with as much love and support as they can hold.

  2. Love you everyday, dear friend!!

    <3 Kim Curtis

  3. Christina,
    We are praying for you as you battle cancer. Your young age is an asset and will help with your fight.
