Saturday, August 16, 2014

Like a river

Rivers know this:  There is no hurry. We shall get there someday.  

We have spent the last 6 weeks fighting the current of this river called cancer...feeling like we were paddling upstream most of the time as we have tried to accept my diagnosis and work with my medical team to prepare for the treatment needed to restore my health.  It seemed like surgery was so far away.  But towards the end of last week, things started to calm down.  We are now drifting to the date of surgery, tying up loose ends and preparing to take the first steps in becoming "cancer free".

Just to keep you in the loop, here is quick timeline of upcoming events:

  • Clinical Trial:  The clinical trial ends on Wednesday, August 20 with a full day of blood draws.  Other than afternoon fatigue, it's been a pretty easy trial. Pills 3 times a day and one doctor visit a week.
  • Surgery:  The surgery is set for Thursday, August 21 at Saint Thomas Midtown (AKA Baptist) at 8:00am which means we arrive at 6:00am.  Our surgeon, Dr. Dunbar, believes the tumor can be removed with a lumpectomy.  However, the biggest question is the needed lymph node dissection.  I do have one node under my arm that has tested positive for "disease".  However, Dr. Dunbar will not be able to determine the full extent of that until surgery.  So, I have to turn my faith over to her.  I feel totally confident in Dr. Dunbar and know she will make decisions that are in my best interest and remove as few nodes as possible.  I could go home the day of the surgery or might have to stay overnight.  I will plan to stay overnight and will be pleasantly surprised when they let me go home on Thursday!  I will have Christopher post an update after my surgery.
  • Chemotherapy:  I do not have an exact date for the start of chemo.  It should be 4-6 weeks after surgery which would put us at October.  This is the phase I dread. However, I will be receiving my port during my surgery on Thursday.  This will make things easier when it is time to actually start treatment.  
Many of you are asking what we need and honestly, right now what we need most are your prayers.  I know there will be a time when more help is needed...probably in the fall when treatment starts, but for now we really are good.   

Thanks for checking in on me and being part of my journey.  I appreciate the comments you have posted or emailed me and find comfort in knowing I am surrounded by so many special people. 

1 comment:

  1. Christina, you are in our daily prayers. Know we are here should you need anything at all. Love, The Molnars
